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GLIB requirements for 2.6/2.6.1 and Colab

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:57 pm
by MCurto

I'm not a linux power user but I find i interesting and somewhat good alternative for people without great GPUs to be able to use Colab with BlendLuxCore, although its not a "killer" system the paid version (about 10$ month) usually gives you access to a 25GB RAM with a Tesla P100 16GB, a lot faster GPU than my own AMD 580X (iMac).
Unfortunately Colab got stuck at Ubuntu 18 and altought there are talks of it getting and update to 20 there isn't a date in sight, meaning with new versions of Lux (2.6 and 2.6.1) it no longer has the required GLIB now needs to be 2.29 where Ubuntu 18 has 2.27

Code: Select all

Blender 3.0.0 (hash f1cca3055776 built 2021-12-03 00:34:54)
addon_utils.disable: BlendLuxCore not disabled
Modules Installed (BlendLuxCore) from '/gdrive/MyDrive/Blender/LuxPreferences/' into '/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons'
Info: Modules Installed (BlendLuxCore) from '/gdrive/MyDrive/Blender/LuxPreferences/' into '/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons'
Info: Modules Installed (BlendLuxCore) from '/gdrive/MyDrive/Blender/LuxPreferences/' into '/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons'
Making LuxCore denoiser executable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/content/blender-3.0.0-linux-x64/3.0/scripts/modules/", line 351, in enable
    mod = __import__(module_name)
  File "/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/BlendLuxCore/", line 66, in <module>
    raise Exception(msg + "\n\nImportError: %s" % error) from None

Could not import pyluxcore.

ImportError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/BlendLuxCore/bin/

My question: (am I'm a bit noob at this): Is this requirement by chance or just something that really needs to be so for new versions of BlendLuxCore? In 2.5 it was working fine.
Any workarounds I could explore?I've tried to install 2.29 in Colab but GLIB seems to be at the core of linux so its a no go.
I've also read a few things about static vs dynamic linked libraries, not sure if it could apply here (again I confess my ignorance): ... 138#816138


Re: GLIB requirements for 2.6/2.6.1 and Colab

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:08 pm
by Dade
MCurto wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:57 pm Any workarounds I could explore?I've tried to install 2.29 in Colab but GLIB seems to be at the core of linux so its a no go.
You could try to compile from sources but it may be complicate if you have no experience with compiling tools. Isn't the same service available with Windows ?

Re: GLIB requirements for 2.6/2.6.1 and Colab

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:26 pm
by MCurto
Hi tks for the reply.

Unfortunately no, all machines are Ubuntu 18. I'm not very experienced in linux and sure not trying to get to change anything but was just wondering if it could (easily) be made to require GLIB 2.27. Again, only if it's not inconvenient but I've limited knowledge regarding this.

I personally use Fedora 35 on my iMac (on dual boot with external NVME) just for rendering overnight with no problems whatsoever.

Re: GLIB requirements for 2.6/2.6.1 and Colab

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:23 am
by MCurto
Ok, got it to work.Actually my son did :D
He saw me banging with my head on Colab and offered to help, he says he bassicaly create a VM in Ubuntu 18 but had to compile the compiler (required a diferent version) and then luxcore. I have now a installer then wotks in Colab/Ubuntu18/Blender 3.0
He is also making me a Colab notebook to retrace the steps in Colab for future updates.

The free version of Colab seems to be restricted to Tesla K80, but hey..its free.

Will try to post it later under Tips/Tricks the links to the relevant files: need a python file to basically point to the installer, set CUDA as preferred and save Blender preferences all in one file and of course the installer.Also need the relevant Colab Notebook.

As for speed with the paid version (Tesla P100) I tested the default OrangeJuice scene (4000 samples) and it completed in 33min:
Screenshot 2022-01-07 at 11.22.57.jpg
On Cycles the BMW scene did 45sec on default.

Re: GLIB requirements for 2.6/2.6.1 and Colab

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:23 pm
by losaike
Hi, I followed the method and configuration file you provided and experimented with Google Colab and he prompted an error in the final rendering step.

Do you know how to fix it?

I am using the free account package, GPU K80
Here is the error message

Error: OpenCL driver API error (code: -5, file:/home/pc/LinuxCompile/LuxCore/src/luxrays/devices/ocldevice.cpp, line: 125): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/BlendLuxCore/engine/", line 91, in render_final
final.render(self, depsgraph)
File "/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/BlendLuxCore/engine/", line 44, in render
_render_layer(engine, depsgraph, statistics, layer)
File "/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/BlendLuxCore/engine/", line 56, in _render_layer
engine.session = engine.exporter.create_session(depsgraph, engine=engine, view_layer=view_layer)
File "/root/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/BlendLuxCore/export/", line 217, in create_session
RuntimeError: OpenCL driver API error (code: -5, file:/home/pc/LinuxCompile/LuxCore/src/luxrays/devices/ocldevice.cpp, line: 125): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES

ERROR: OpenCL driver API error (code: -5, file:/home/pc/LinuxCompile/LuxCore/src/luxrays/devices/ocldevice.cpp, line: 125): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES

Blender quit

Re: GLIB requirements for 2.6/2.6.1 and Colab

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:04 pm
by MCurto
Most likely 'Out of resources" means RAM, I can't access my computador right now and not sure if you have that option in free version of Colab, but under Edit you have Notevook settings, check there, at loneast on paid version you can up RAM to 25GB.

EDIT: I just remembered, I've shared my Colab notebook, not sure if you're using that one and if it carries over same settings but I didn't remember to mention that usually you have to go to settings (under Edit) and enable GPU.