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Re: Mac OS

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:48 pm
by jensverwiebe
Jep, looks good.

Btw: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0) is now a global requirement anyway and can be removed.

I guess you set also the deployment target to 10.9 ( and changed my very old comment about 10.6 compat.)
Anyway, afaik xcode 8 and higher will force you to 10.9 target and c++11 afaik.


Re: Mac OS

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:55 pm
by patrickwalker
Once I get my old MacBook Air up and running, I'll try compiling it on 10.12 Sierra.

Re: Mac OS

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:22 am
by patrickwalker
I sat down this evening and taught myself pkgbuild and productbuild on OSX. I have some grasp and can get it to make an installer. Finding documentation is pretty tough to do much right now beyond the basics. I found a document describing all the XML, but doesn't describe the actual structure of the distribution.plist file. I've taken apart a couple existing pkg files to see how they tick with limited success.

The installer, as it stands now, installs the CLI applications into /usr/local/bin. I chose that directory as it is pretty much guaranteed to be in a user's PATH environment variable.

It also installs sample scenes into /Users/Shared/Documents/Lux

It does an intro page, icons and background image. Displays a simple welcome blurb and presents the Apache license which a user must agree to before installation continues.

No Selective Install -- A user cannot selectively just install the CLI or scene files. Tried using and looking up the <choices-outline> and <choice> tags.

Platform and OS checking -- It's possible through scripting (Javascript or shell), and it's on the list.

Permissions -- Installer sets the user:group to the unprivileged nobody:staff. Seems to work without root permissions, and can't really see why it would ever need it, but I'm not exactly knowledgeable about any internals of the software. I think the permissions on all the scene files are root permission... will fix that.

Has anyone written a man page for either of these utilities? It could be a nice addition. I read man pages, but never made one.

I'd like to add more macOS items to the install when they are ready, like the standalone and so on. A kind of one-stop shop.

Leaving the file to upload overnight. On a slow DSL connection.

Re: Mac OS

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:51 pm
by jensverwiebe
Afaik pkgbuild is pretty much ruined nowadays, so the most devs write their own installers.
Last time i made a osx prototype i tested succesfull "packages" from a french dev. which
turned out to be a pretty nice replacement for the abandoned packagemaker.


Re: Mac OS

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:58 pm
by patrickwalker
The new utilities are ... functional. But any customization has to be done by hand.

Think I got selectable list for custom install.


Using the pkg installer created on High Sierra does work on Sierra. The only thing I needed to do was include in the embree and TBB libraries and included them in the internal package for LuxCore CLI. Is there any license issue doing this?

Given the structure of .app, will LuxCoreRenderer require the libraries from /opt/local/lib or will they internalized inside the .app?

Permissions are reverting to root:wheel on installed items. Not sure why that's happening again. I made sure to chown files to nobody:staff. I can understand wy maybe the installer needs root privileges, but not why it's defaulting permissions to root:wheel. I must be missing something but can't see what.


Getting all sorts of missing libraries, which I should have foreseen. Looking at the old setup, the command line utilities were run from inside the so looks like they used the libraries included there.

So, I guess for the installer we can wait. With the installer, though, it can run a shell script to perform the linking at install. So just get the installer to create the symlinks into /usr/local/bin at that time.

Re: Mac OS

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:14 pm
by jensverwiebe
Getting all sorts of missing libraries, which I should have foreseen. Looking at the old setup, the command line utilities were run from inside the so looks like they used the libraries included there.
Otool is your friend ;)

Also: Sure you can design luxcoreui as an appbundle. Set the guitype in the apropriate cmake file to MACOSX_BUNDLE simply.
Then deliver the needed libs in the bundle according to Apple specs. Be aware you then need to have entitlements and have
to face gatekeeper requirements. Codesigning is not yet a must afaik, but would be proposed once you go bundles.


Re: Mac OS

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:53 pm
by Dade
patrickwalker wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:58 pm Using the pkg installer created on High Sierra does work on Sierra. The only thing I needed to do was include in the embree and TBB libraries and included them in the internal package for LuxCore CLI. Is there any license issue doing this?
Nope, no problem, Embree is released under APL v2.0 license like us.

Re: Mac OS

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:08 pm
by patrickwalker
jensverwiebe wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:14 pm
Getting all sorts of missing libraries, which I should have foreseen. Looking at the old setup, the command line utilities were run from inside the so looks like they used the libraries included there.
Otool is your friend ;)

Also: Sure you can design luxcoreui as an appbundle. Set the guitype in the apropriate cmake file to MACOSX_BUNDLE simply.
Then deliver the needed libs in the bundle according to Apple specs. Be aware you then need to have entitlements and have
to face gatekeeper requirements. Codesigning is not yet a must afaik, but would be proposed once you go bundles.

Getting beyond my pay grade. Probably wiser for me just to wait for LuxCoreRenderer and proceed from there.

I think it could be possible just to copy over /usr/local/lib at the same time luxcoreui and luxcoreconsole. But wary of doing that. Licensing and the like. Just looking at Boost libraries...

Re: Mac OS

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:17 am
by patrickwalker
I've begun my attempt at configuring cmake and compiling LuxCore on a 10.12 Sierra system.

Some interesting notes. cmake is finding macOS header files, not in Xcode, but inside "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools"

I've placed cl.hpp inside both Xcode and this CommandLineTools yet still Xcode cannot access the file:

Code: Select all

#include <OpenCL/cl.hpp>
Fixed that issue with a:

Code: Select all

There's two of them in the cmake I used but I think it might have been needed earlier in the file than it was originally.

Another thing I had to do to get CMAKE to work is add in:

Code: Select all

LuxCore compiles successfully (LuxCoreUI and LuxCoreConsole).

Here is the Config_OSX.cmake I used for both 10.12 Sierra and 10.13 High Sierra.

Code: Select all

# Configuration ( Jens Verwiebe )

########## OS and hardware detection ###########

	execute_process(COMMAND uname -r OUTPUT_VARIABLE MAC_SYS) # check for actual system-version

	if(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 17)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.13)
	elseif(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 16)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.12)		
	elseif(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 15)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.11)
		set(QT_BINARY_DIR /usr/local/bin) # workaround for the locked /usr/bin install Qt ti /usr/local !
	elseif(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 14)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.10)
	elseif(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 13)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.9)
	elseif(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 12)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.8)
	elseif(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 11)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.7)
	elseif(${MAC_SYS} MATCHES 10)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM 10.6)
		set(OSX_SYSTEM unsupported)

MESSAGE(STATUS "Using OSX Configuration settings")

# Allow for the location of OSX_DEPENDENCY_ROOT to be set from the command line
  set(OSX_DEPENDENCY_ROOT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../macos) # can be macos or usr/local for example


# Libs present in system ( /usr )

# Libs that have find_package modules


# Find OpenCL Header

# Find OpenGL Headers
find_path(OPENGL_SEARCH_PATH 	CGLContext.h 	PATHS "${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Headers" )
find_path(OPENGL_INCLUDE_PATH 	CGLContext.h 	PATHS "${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current/Headers" )

#find_library(GLEW_LIBRARY libGLEW.a PATHS ${OSX_SEARCH_PATH}/lib )

MESSAGE(STATUS "--------------------------------------------------------------")

find_path(GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR glew.h PATHS ${OSX_SEARCH_PATH}/include/GL )
find_library(GLEW_LIBRARY libGLEW.a PATHS ${OSX_SEARCH_PATH}/lib )

set(GLUT_SEARCH_PATH          "${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}/System/Library/Frameworks/glut.framework")


# Libs with hardcoded pathes ( macos repo )

# use Blender python libs for static compiling !
SET(PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${OSX_DEPENDENCY_ROOT}/lib/BF_pythonlibs/py34_intel64/libbf_python_ext.a ${OSX_DEPENDENCY_ROOT}/lib/BF_pythonlibs/py34_intel64/libbf_python.a)

Re: Mac OS

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:31 pm
by jensverwiebe
Thats all still odd, cause i don't need any of these tweaks to config/generate/compile.
Something must go wrong for you with the sdk setup initially.

Btw: SET(EMBREE_FOUND ON) can be commented as well cause the findmodule now works.
I only used it with hardcoded pathes to satisfy findmodules eventuallly.
