[BlendLuxCore] Exclude Material from Override

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[BlendLuxCore] Exclude Material from Override

Post by CodeHD »

The material output node now features a new checkbox "Exclude from override", located in the advanced section. If checked, this material will not be replaced by the view layer override matieral.
Regarding the second suggestion made in the Issue, i.e. to have a secondary material input for an alternative node tree when teh checkbox is ticked:
I have not implemented this because it is easily solved using existing mechanics.
  • Create two node trees for a regular and alternative material (needs to be done manually anyways)
  • Create a reroute node for each trees final output just in front of the output node
  • When going into the node editor to tick the "Exclude from override" checkbos (nneds to be done manually anyways), connect the alternative node tree to the output
This method introduces minimal additional effort, but avoids maintenance of additional code.
Related GitHub Issue: https://github.com/LuxCoreRender/BlendL ... issues/547
The change is currently on development brach for_v2.10 and will be included in the next release.
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