For Me this guy is simply the best architectural render artist i know:
It is also clear that corona render make a big difference in quality there also.
Just wonder how this guy render will turn out with Luxcore. could be an interesting experiment. ... r_projects
Vivienda Cabanyal
Best Arch visualiser ever
Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
it's mostly wider internal rendering color space and either custom LUT or specific tonemapping.
I compared both few times already and LuxCore comes close but can't really match it unless you take rendered HDRI out of Blender or otherwise spend significant time on tonemaping. With latest Corona's version gap just widened further.
I compared both few times already and LuxCore comes close but can't really match it unless you take rendered HDRI out of Blender or otherwise spend significant time on tonemaping. With latest Corona's version gap just widened further.
Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
Yeah that look like a good theory. I've seen great artists failed to reproduce thoses natural mood from corona with another engine so many time.
I'm sure if you give the same scene in Vray or Octane or indigo it will lose the extra added realism. This soft indirect light gradually fading you can almost feel the air in the room
I had something like this once with Mitsuba 8 years ago but ...
It is something i want to investigate.
I'm sure if you give the same scene in Vray or Octane or indigo it will lose the extra added realism. This soft indirect light gradually fading you can almost feel the air in the room

I had something like this once with Mitsuba 8 years ago but ...
It is something i want to investigate.
Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
Do you mean that if we render in LUXCORE and export the resulted 32bits EXR to corona frame buffer we can prove that the difference come from there ?it's mostly wider internal rendering color space and either custom LUT or specific tonemapping.
Btw isn't OCIO mean to solve this wider colorspace issue ? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3446&hilit=ocio
Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
I hope, but don't think so, since LuxCore still carries its inner limits. Same as VRay still falls short while Arnold is a beast on it's own (yet both have OCIO support). From what I understand Luxrender was able, but then LuxCore was "optimized" and it since does its magic in "narrow" color space (RGB). But as this i's quite broad & specialized subject which I'm still only scratching
... It would be greatly appreceated, if Dade would explain in short & clear these inner workings of LuXcore.
ie. Like it's done here, where one of main dev. is quoted @ Corona ACES request thread.
But otherwise there are also other things that have put Corona on top of ArchViz engines. Especially the latest, version 7 release. Altho few of "new features" were already present in Lux- way back.

ie. Like it's done here, where one of main dev. is quoted @ Corona ACES request thread.
But otherwise there are also other things that have put Corona on top of ArchViz engines. Especially the latest, version 7 release. Altho few of "new features" were already present in Lux- way back.

Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
But corona is still RGB like Luxcore. So I don't think it is spectral vs RGB.
What I know is that Always output EXR to another software like darktable
or rawtherapee is much better than setting stuff with Blender Filmic.
Also so pretty advanced guy in Colour seems to not be that impress by ACES ... ed/1236883
What I know is that Always output EXR to another software like darktable
or rawtherapee is much better than setting stuff with Blender Filmic.
Also so pretty advanced guy in Colour seems to not be that impress by ACES ... ed/1236883
Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
Thing is, that simulation not only occupies wide color space but it also" understands and works with it" even, if result is later narrowed down. How it narrows it down is another question, a tone mapping one.
BTW, ACES basically helps lessen errors, helps achieve better precision, in controling color grading recordings taken w/ different cameras/standards. Easier to get unified look when one take is shot with Arri, another with Red, other with Sony or Canon or DJI...
BTW, ACES basically helps lessen errors, helps achieve better precision, in controling color grading recordings taken w/ different cameras/standards. Easier to get unified look when one take is shot with Arri, another with Red, other with Sony or Canon or DJI...
Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
Nice Arch vis artist:
Re: Best Arch visualiser ever
Amazing images. I’d love to be able to create to that standard.kintuX wrote: Sun Oct 17, 2021 12:43 pm De facto, it's not a theory, it's practice.
Here's, in my taste even better work... [click on image/link]